The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how social media data can be used to capture public sentiment.


President Trump recently authorized a missile strike on Syria in response to an alleged chemical weapon attack by the president of Syria on members of his own population on April 4 2017. This led to the beginning of heated debates about the appropriateness and consequences of this drastic, largely unexpected, and seemingly impulsive act. The presidential election afforded Trump a popular vote of 46%. One might argue that the country’s approval of the missile strike might roughly align with this partition given the recentness of the election. This investigation is about whether this is a valid assumption. My prediction is that the missile strike approval partition will be different from the popular vote partition. This is an interesting question for the American public as this incident of military action represents a dramatic change in direction relative to the president’s campaign stance in this regard.

The Twitter Streaming API was used to collect 5,000 tweets on April 11 2017, 4 days after the missile strike. It was important to collect this information as soon as possible after the event. Only tweets that contain all of the words 'trump syria strike' were collected (the word order did not matter). So-called retweets were also collected, as these were taken to indicate that the person sending the retweet agrees with the originator of the tweet. Sentiment analysis techniques were used. Features were extracted from the tweets in the form of words that convey positive sentiment (interpreted as approval for the strike) or negative sentiment (interpreted as disapproval). A classifier was then trained (using a different labeled data set of 100,000 tweets) to associate patterns of words with the appropriate sentiment. After training, the classifier was used to estimate the sentiment of each of the 5,000 collected tweets on the Syria missile strike. The accuracy of the classifier was found to be 75% (which means it got 75% of classifications correct on the test data).

The analysis found that, out of the 4,999 usable tweets that were collected, 2,918 were estimated to have positive sentiment. These were interpreted as conveying approval for the Syria missile strike. This number represents a 58% approval rating. Compare this with the 46% popularity rating during the presidential election (see the blue columns in Figure 1). Using a statistical proportion test, the assumption that the strike approval rating would align with the popular vote partition, was rejected. Strong evidence was found, therefore, that there is a clear willingness on the part of the American public to support a dramatic change of course undertaken by the president relative to his campaign stance on matters of this sort.


Part 1. Capture training data and train a sentiment classifier


Please note that the code of a few cells have been commented out. This was done to prevent accidental triggering of longer-running pieces of code (e.g. it takes about 10 minutes to train the classifier). If desired, it is easy to remove the comments to verify this code.

A Naive Bayes classifier will be trained on a labeled data set. This data set will also come from a body of tweets to ensure similarity to the style of text associated with tweets (i.e. to-the-point-ness, conciseness, use of exclamation marks, emoticons, etc.). An example of such a labeled data set is http://thinknook.com/twitter-sentiment-analysis-training-corpus-dataset-2012-09-22/. I have selected the first 100,000 rows of this data set for training.

import nltk
import pickle
import pandas as pd

1.1 Read in and prepare training data

filetext = ''
with open("SentimentAnalysisDataset.csv", encoding='utf-8') as text_file:
    filetext = text_file.read()
    filetext = filetext.replace('"" Brokeback Mountain ""', 'Brokeback Mountain')
    filetext = filetext.replace('" Brokeback Mountain "', 'Brokeback Mountain')
    filetext = filetext.replace('" brokeback mountain was terrible.', 'brokeback mountain was terrible.')
with open("SentimentAnalysisDataset_fixed.csv", "w", encoding='utf-8') as out:
del filetext
# Note that a positive sentiment is indicated by a '1', and a negative sentiment by a '0' in the 'Sentiment' column
df = pd.read_csv('SentimentAnalysisDataset_fixed.csv', nrows=100000)
splitpoint = 80000 #train/test: 80%/20%
df.drop('SentimentSource', axis=1, inplace=True)
ItemID Sentiment SentimentText
0 1 0 is so sad for my APL frie...
1 2 0 I missed the New Moon trail...
2 3 1 omg its already 7:30 :O
3 4 0 .. Omgaga. Im sooo im gunna CRy. I'...
4 5 0 i think mi bf is cheating on me!!! ...
def word_tokenize(tweet):
    """Breaks a string up into words.
    This function uses the NLTK package's word_tokenize function to split a string up
    into word tokens.
    tweet : str
        The text of a tweet.
        A list consisting of the words in the input tweet string.

1.2 Gather all words in a bag and form tuples of (tokenized-tweets, sentiment)

from tqdm import tqdm #for progress bar
all_words = []
tweet_tuples = []
for index, row in tqdm(df.iterrows()):
    tweet_words = word_tokenize(row['SentimentText'])
    tweet_words = list(map(lambda w: w.lower(), tweet_words))
    tweet_tuples.append( (tweet_words, str(row['Sentiment'])) )
    for w in tweet_words:
print('Number of words: ', len(all_words))
100000it [00:34, 2870.05it/s]
Number of words:  1719434

del df
del index
del row
del tweet_words
del w

1.3 Get frequency distribution of the words

all_words = nltk.FreqDist(all_words)

# inspect the frequency distribution of the words
print('The 30 most common words are: ', all_words.most_common(30))
all_words.plot(30, cumulative=False)
The 30 most common words are:  [('@', 90794), ('i', 62578), ('!', 57937), ('.', 51116), (',', 32555), ('the', 29914), ('you', 29844), ('to', 29561), ('?', 25284), ('a', 22062), ('it', 22041), ('...', 18448), ('and', 16303), (';', 16178), ('&', 14440), ('my', 13790), ('that', 13587), ('for', 12553), ('is', 12534), ("'s", 11912), ('in', 11822), ("n't", 11791), ('me', 11025), ('of', 10606), ('have', 10531), ('on', 9618), ('quot', 9153), ('so', 9106), ('but', 8956), ("'m", 8500)]

1.4 Select the top 5000 most common words as features

freq_tuples = all_words.most_common(5000)

1.5 Remove the 30 most common words again

The most common words often have less 'signal' in them and may be ignored.

freq_tuples = freq_tuples[30:] #remove the 30 most common words

1.6 Prepare the word features

word_features = [w for (w, freq) in freq_tuples]

1.7 Save the word_features

f = open('word_features.pkl', 'wb')
pickle.dump(word_features, f)
del all_words
del freq_tuples
def sentiment_features(tweet_words):
    """Extract sentiment features from a tweet.
    This function extracts sentiment features from the words of a tweet.
    tweet_words : list of words
        The text of a tweet, tokenized into words.
        A dictionary that has a key for each word in the list of word features (word_features).
        The value of each entry indicates whether that specific word is present in this tweet.
    uniq_words = set(tweet_words) #keep unique words only
    features = {}
    for w in word_features:
        features[w] = (w in uniq_words)

1.8 Prepare featuresets for the complete classifier data set

from tqdm import tqdm
featuresets = [(sentiment_features(tweet_words), sentiment) for (tweet_words, sentiment) in tqdm(tweet_tuples)]
print('Number of featuresets: ', len(featuresets))
100%|██████████| 100000/100000 [01:29<00:00, 1119.71it/s]
Number of featuresets:  100000

del tweet_tuples

1.9 Split the data set for training and testing

training_set = featuresets[:splitpoint]
testing_set = featuresets[splitpoint:]
print('Length of featuresets: ', len(featuresets))
print('Length of training_set: ', len(training_set))
print('Length of testing_set: ', len(testing_set))
Length of featuresets:  100000
Length of training_set:  80000
Length of testing_set:  20000
del featuresets

1.10 Train classifier

"""commented out to protect
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(tqdm(training_set))
100%|██████████| 80000/80000 [09:46<00:00, 136.45it/s]

1.11 Score classifier

"""commented out to protect
accuracy = nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, testing_set)
print('Accuracy: ', accuracy)
Accuracy:  0.75205
"""commented out to protect
Most Informative Features
               cancelled = True                0 : 1      =     29.0 : 1.0
                   ak618 = True                0 : 1      =     29.0 : 1.0
             appreciated = True                1 : 0      =     26.2 : 1.0
            aaroncarter7 = True                0 : 1      =     24.0 : 1.0
                 *cries* = True                0 : 1      =     24.0 : 1.0
                 hurting = True                0 : 1      =     21.4 : 1.0
                    grrr = True                0 : 1      =     21.4 : 1.0
                     sad = True                0 : 1      =     21.1 : 1.0
                canceled = True                0 : 1      =     19.8 : 1.0
             musicmonday = True                1 : 0      =     19.7 : 1.0
          recommendation = True                1 : 0      =     18.2 : 1.0
                 sadness = True                0 : 1      =     18.1 : 1.0
                  gutted = True                0 : 1      =     17.5 : 1.0
                 blessed = True                1 : 0      =     16.7 : 1.0
                 swollen = True                0 : 1      =     16.4 : 1.0
            followfriday = True                1 : 0      =     16.2 : 1.0
           disappointing = True                0 : 1      =     15.6 : 1.0
                   r.i.p = True                0 : 1      =     15.6 : 1.0
                 *sniff* = True                0 : 1      =     15.6 : 1.0
                    booo = True                0 : 1      =     15.4 : 1.0
               3hotwords = True                1 : 0      =     15.1 : 1.0
                   sadly = True                0 : 1      =     14.4 : 1.0
                   sucks = True                0 : 1      =     14.2 : 1.0
                  bummed = True                0 : 1      =     13.9 : 1.0
             frustrating = True                0 : 1      =     13.9 : 1.0
                 surgery = True                0 : 1      =     13.9 : 1.0
          noundiessunday = True                1 : 0      =     13.5 : 1.0
                    argh = True                0 : 1      =     13.3 : 1.0
                  bummer = True                0 : 1      =     12.7 : 1.0
                   blows = True                0 : 1      =     12.4 : 1.0
                   ughhh = True                0 : 1      =     12.2 : 1.0
         congratulations = True                1 : 0      =     11.9 : 1.0
                     sux = True                0 : 1      =     11.7 : 1.0
                downside = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
              depressing = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
                    leak = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
               emotional = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
                      /3 = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
                  cramps = True                0 : 1      =     11.4 : 1.0
                    poor = True                0 : 1      =     11.2 : 1.0

1.12 Define a function to estimate the sentiment of a tweet

def estimate_sentiment(tweet):
    """Estimate the sentiment of a tweet.
    This function estimates the sentiment of a tweet.
    tweet : str
        The text of a tweet.
        A value that indicates the sentiment of the tweet: 
        1 for positive, and
        0 for negative
    return( classifier.classify(sentiment_features(word_tokenize(tweet))) )

1.13 Hand-test classifier

print( estimate_sentiment('I feel fine today!') )
print( estimate_sentiment('I feel horrible today!') )
print( estimate_sentiment('This is good news.') )
print( estimate_sentiment('This was a mistake') )
print( estimate_sentiment('He had to do it') )
print( estimate_sentiment('Not fair to Syria') )

1.14 Save classifier

"""commented out to protect
f = open('tweepy_naivebayes.pkl', 'wb')
pickle.dump(classifier, f)

Part 2. Capture twitter data on Trump Syria Strike

import tweepy
import time
from datetime import datetime
file_name = 'trump_syria_strike15.txt'
track_string = 'trump syria strike'
class WritingTxtStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    """Sets up and captures a stream of tweets.    
    This class sets up and captures a stream of tweets from the Twitter Streaming API.    
    __count = 0

    #captures the json of a tweet
    def on_data(self, data):
            f = open(file_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8')
            f.write( data )
            self.__count += 1
            print( str(datetime.now().time())+': '+str(self.__count) )
        except BaseException as e:
            print('ERROR: ' + str(e))

    #disconnect the stream if we receive an error message indicating we are overloading Twitter
    def on_error(self, status_code):
        print('ERROR: status_code = ' + str(status_code))
        if status_code == 420:
            #returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
            return False
con_key = ''
con_secret = ''
acc_token = ''
acc_secret = ''
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key=con_key, consumer_secret=con_secret)
auth.set_access_token(acc_token, acc_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True, retry_count=10, retry_delay=5, retry_errors=5)         
my_stream_listener = WritingTxtStreamListener()
my_stream = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=my_stream_listener)
my_stream.filter(track=[track_string], languages=['en'])

3. Analyze twitter data on Trump Syria Strike

import json
import pandas as pd

3.1 Load the json study data

tweets_data = []
tweets_file = open('trump_syria_strike15.txt', "r")
for line in tweets_file:
        tweet_json = json.loads(line)
print( 'Number of tweets: ', len(tweets_data) )
Number of tweets:  5000
tweets = pd.DataFrame()
tweets['text'] = list(map(lambda x: x['text'], tweets_data))
0 RT @WilliamAder: Most daughters would be happy...
1 RT @TheEconomist: Listen: We discuss what Dona...
2 RT @davebernstein: Translation:\n\nIntent of S...
3 RT @JoeMyGod: Ann Coulter Denounces Trump Over...
4 RT @ddale8: Can you even imagine if a Hillary ...
import re
def suppress_newlines(tweet):
    res = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', tweet)

tweets['text'] = tweets['text'].apply(suppress_newlines)

3.2 Load the sentiment classifier

import pickle
f = open('tweepy_naivebayes.pkl', 'rb')
classifier = pickle.load(f)

3.3 Load the word features (from word_features)

f = open('word_features.pkl', 'rb')
word_features = pickle.load(f)

3.4 Estimate the sentiment for each tweet in the data on Trump Syria Strike

#from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_pandas

tweets['est_sentiment'] = ''
#tweets['est_sentiment'] = tweets['text'].progress_apply(estimate_sentiment)
tweets['est_sentiment'] = tweets['text'].apply(estimate_sentiment)
text est_sentiment
0 RT @WilliamAder: Most daughters would be happy... 1
1 RT @TheEconomist: Listen: We discuss what Dona... 1
2 RT @davebernstein: Translation: Intent of Syr... 0
3 RT @JoeMyGod: Ann Coulter Denounces Trump Over... 1
4 RT @ddale8: Can you even imagine if a Hillary ... 0

3.5 Save analysis in updated dataframe

tweets.to_csv('trump_syria_strike15.csv', encoding='utf-8', sep='|')

4. Statistical proportion test

(R Language)

## Load sentiment data on Trump Syria Strike
df <- read.csv("trump_syria_strike15.csv", sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Count the tweets with positive sentiment, disregard a handful of rows that have NAs
total.evals <- sum(complete.cases(df))
total.approvals <- sum(df[,'est_sentiment'], na.rm = TRUE)
fraction.approvals <- total.approvals/total.evals
## Perform a hypothesis test of proportions

### Setup hypotheses

The hypotheses will be:

    H0: p = p0
    H1: p != p0


p is the true proportion of the American public that *approves* the strike, and p0 = 0.46. 

The *null* hypothesis, therefore, states that the proportion of the public that *approves* the strike (associated with *positive* sentiment tweets), is the *same* as the proportion of popular votes (46%) during the presidential election. 

The *alternative* hypothesis, states that the proportion of the public that approves the strike is *different* from the proportion of popular votes. The type of hypothesis test will be a *one-sample test for a proportion*. The test will be *two-sided*.

### Perform hypothesis test

prop.test(total.approvals, n = total.evals, p = 0.46, alternative = 'two.sided')

### Conclusion

The p-value is much smaller than 0.05. At the 0.05 significance level, we *reject* the null hypothesis. There is enough evidence to claim that the proportion of the American public that *approves* the missile strike is *different* from 46%. The proportion that approves the strike is 58%.