1. Purpose

Machine-translated content in longer documents can usually not be presented to users directly. There is a need for a human proofreader to verify the quality first. Many factors determine the amount of human effort needed. Because the sentence is a good unit of semantics it makes sense to think about effort estimation in terms of individual sentences that need to be proofread. Examples of factors that determine proofreading effort are:

  • length of sentence in characters
  • length of sentence in words
  • source language
  • target language
  • role of the proofreader (e.g. first pair of human eyes, or a second proofreader)
  • quality of the pre-translator (BLEU score)
  • skill of the proofreader in source and target langauges

The purpose of this project is to create an effort estimation model. The client has a number of pre-translation models that vary in quality. Similarly, human proofreaders on the team has varying levels of skill. In addition, the length of documents varies. Currently, a fixed compensation is paid per document. This model will enhance fairness when the client determines the compensation for proofreaders.

2. Dataset and Variables

The dataset comes in the form of contributions, each captured as a row or data-point. Each contribution is a sentence that could be in the source language (always English) or a translation of the source sentence. There could be many variations/versions of a translated sentence, including the version provided by the translation engine initially. Human proofreaders then provide their own corrections in the form of other versions.

There are 4 kinds of contributions:

  • E: English contributions
  • T: Translate contributions - provided by the translation engine
  • C: Create contributions - corrections provided by human proofreaders
  • V: Vote contributions - whenever a human proofreader indicates agreement with a contribution provided by the translation engine, it is recorded in the form of a vote contribution

The features of the dataset are:

  • m_descriptor: Unique identifier of a document
  • t_lan: Language of the translation (English is also considered a translation)
  • t_senc: Number of sentences in a document
  • t_version: Version of a translation
  • s_typ: Type of the sentence
  • s_rsen: Number of a sentence within a document
  • e_id: Database primary key of a contribution's content
  • e_top: Content of the contribution that got the most votes
  • be_id: N/A
  • be_top: N/A
  • c_id: Database primary key of a contribution
  • c_created_at: Creation time of a contribution
  • c_kind: Kind of a contribution
  • c_eis: N/A
  • c_base: N/A
  • a_role: N/A
  • u_name: N/A
  • e_content: Text content of a contribution
  • chars: Number of characters in a contribution
  • words: Number of words in a contribution

In this notebook we will only prepare the dataset. Modeling will occur in followup notebooks.

3. Requirements

  • Input variables:
    • document id
    • target language (source language will always be English)
    • quality of pre-translation model (with associated BLEU score)
    • role of the proofreader
    • proofreader code
  • Output: The model should estimate the effort for each source (English) sentence in the document and eventually sum the estimated effort for all sentences.
  • Model updates: The model should be updated periodically as new training data becomes available.
  • Platform:
    • The model should be deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    • The model code should allow for a substantial growth in available data into the future

4. Design

The development will be undertaken on the AWS platform, making use of Sagemaker Notebook instances. In addition, to make provision for eventual big-data needs, Apache Spark technology will be used.

Initially, because the current dataset is still relatively small, development and training will be done locally. Eventually, however, the code will be linked to an AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) cluster to allow for a big-data training platform.

At a lower level, development will occur in Jupyter notebooks. Dataframes will not be used in the native Spark format, but rather making use of the relatively new Databricks Koalas library. The advantage of this approach is that Koalas allow for Spark functionality packaged as familiar pandas function calls.

Note that this notebook runs on a Sagemaker Notebook instance (VM). It is not accessed via Sagemaker Studio.

5. Setup

First, we import the necessary modules and create a SparkSession with the SageMaker-Spark dependencies attached.

!python --version
Python 3.6.13

Databricks Koalas is central to our activities:

!pip install koalas
# !conda install koalas -c conda-forge #takes long!
Collecting koalas
  Downloading koalas-1.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (720 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 720 kB 10.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01     |███████████▉                    | 266 kB 10.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=0.10 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from koalas) (4.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.23.2 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from koalas) (1.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<1.20.0,>=1.14 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from koalas) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas>=0.23.2->koalas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas>=0.23.2->koalas) (2021.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas>=0.23.2->koalas) (1.15.0)
Installing collected packages: koalas
Successfully installed koalas-1.8.0
# https://www.kaggle.com/general/185679
!pip install -U seaborn
import seaborn as sns
sns.__version__ #should be 0.11.1
Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (0.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.0 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.23 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from seaborn) (1.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=2.2 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from seaborn) (3.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (0.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.3 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (7.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from cycler>=0.10->matplotlib>=2.2->seaborn) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas>=0.23->seaborn) (2021.1)
import os
import boto3

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
import sagemaker_pyspark

import numpy as np
import re
import databricks.koalas as ks
WARNING:root:'ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT' environment variable was not set. It is required to set this environment variable to '1' in both driver and executor sides if you use pyarrow>=0.15 and pyspark<3.0. Koalas will set it for you but it does not work if there is a Spark context already launched.
WARNING:root:'PYARROW_IGNORE_TIMEZONE' environment variable was not set. It is required to set this environment variable to '1' in both driver and executor sides if you use pyarrow>=2.0.0. Koalas will set it for you but it does not work if there is a Spark context already launched.
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
!pip list | grep pyspark
pyspark                            2.4.0
sagemaker-pyspark                  1.4.2
role = get_execution_role()

# Configure Spark to use the SageMaker Spark dependency jars
jars = sagemaker_pyspark.classpath_jars()

classpath = ":".join(sagemaker_pyspark.classpath_jars())

# See the SageMaker Spark Github to learn how to connect to EMR from a notebook instance
spark = SparkSession.builder.config("spark.driver.extraClassPath", classpath)\

SparkSession - in-memory


Spark UI

# Koalas default index
# ks.set_option('compute.default_index_type', 'sequence')

6. Get train/valid data

def display_all(df):
    with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 1000, "display.max_columns", 1000): 

6.1 Ingest all E-contributions

df_E = ks.read_csv(data_location, sep='~'); df_E.shape
#- df_E = ks.read_csv(data_location, index_col=None, header=None, sep='~', encoding='utf-8'); df_E.shape
(167289, 18)
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_id e_top be_id be_top c_id c_created_at c_kind c_eis c_base a_role
0 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b h 1 733089 Z None None 1099529 2020-06-09 21:05:24.117 E 0 None EP
1 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 2 733090 Z None None 1099530 2020-06-09 21:05:24.142 E 0 None EP
2 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 3 733091 Z None None 1099531 2020-06-09 21:05:24.166 E 0 None EP
3 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 4 733092 Z None None 1099532 2020-06-09 21:05:24.191 E 0 None EP
4 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 5 733093 Z None None 1099533 2020-06-09 21:05:24.219 E 0 None EP
Int64Index: 167289 entries, 0 to 167288
Data columns (total 18 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------        --------------   -----         
 0   m_descriptor  167289 non-null  object        
 1   t_lan         167289 non-null  object        
 2   t_senc        167289 non-null  int32         
 3   t_version     167289 non-null  object        
 4   s_typ         167289 non-null  object        
 5   s_rsen        167289 non-null  int32         
 6   e_id          167289 non-null  int32         
 7   e_top         167289 non-null  object        
 8   be_id         0 non-null       object        
 9   be_top        0 non-null       object        
 10  c_id          167289 non-null  int32         
 11  c_created_at  167289 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 12  c_kind        167289 non-null  object        
 13  c_eis         167289 non-null  int32         
 14  c_base        0 non-null       object        
 15  a_role        167289 non-null  object        
 16  u_name        167289 non-null  object        
 17  e_content     167287 non-null  object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int32(5), object(12)
# drop features that won't be used
df_E = df_E.drop(['e_id','e_top','be_id','be_top','c_id','c_created_at','c_kind','c_eis','c_base','a_role','u_name'], axis=1)
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen
0 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b h 1
1 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 2
2 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 3
3 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 4
4 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 5
# handle NaNs in e_content
e_content_nans = df_E['e_content'].isna()
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_content
99927 1956-0805 ENG 1430 15-0402-b n 1176 None
162847 1957-0419 ENG 645 15-0401-b n 505 None
#replace e_content NaNs with empty strings
df_E.loc[e_content_nans, 'e_content'] = ''
# df_E.loc[e_content_nans, ['e_content']]
# OR
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_content
99927 1956-0805 ENG 1430 15-0402-b n 1176
162847 1957-0419 ENG 645 15-0401-b n 505
# add chars column
#- df_E['chars'] = [len(e) for e in df_E['e_content']] #does not work with Koalas
df_E['chars'] = df_E['e_content'].apply(len)
m_descriptor t_lan t_version s_rsen chars
0 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 1 37
1 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 2 27
2 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 3 19
3 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 4 64
4 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 5 312
5 1963-0728 ENG 15-0402-b 6 360
# df_E.loc[e_content_nans, ['e_content','chars']]
# OR
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_content chars
99927 1956-0805 ENG 1430 15-0402-b n 1176 0
162847 1957-0419 ENG 645 15-0401-b n 505 0
# add words column
# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-program-to-count-words-in-a-sentence/
#- df_E['words'] = [len(re.findall(r'\w+', e)) for e in df_E['e_content']] #does not work in Koalas
df_E['words'] = df_E['e_content'].apply(lambda e: len(re.findall(r'\w+', e)))
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen chars words
0 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b h 1 37 7
1 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 2 27 4
2 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 3 19 4
3 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 4 64 12
4 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 5 312 61
5 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402-b n 6 360 70
#remove BER part of version from t_version so that we can use this 
# column to join the English contributions with their matching 
# translated contributions
#- df_E['t_version'] = ['-'.join(e.split('-')[:2]) for e in df_E['t_version']] #does not work in Koalas
df_E['t_version'] = df_E['t_version'].apply(lambda e: '-'.join(e.split('-')[:2]))
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen chars words
0 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 h 1 37 7
1 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 2 27 4
2 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 3 19 4
3 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 4 64 12
4 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 5 312 61
5 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 6 360 70

6.2 Ingest all C-contributions and V-contributions

df_C = ks.read_csv(data_location, sep='~'); df_C.shape
(177283, 18)
m_descriptor t_lan t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_id e_top be_id be_top c_id c_created_at c_kind c_eis c_base a_role
0 1963-0728 FIJ 3714 15-0401-B123 n 2 51283 M NaN None 60569 2017-07-03 00:58:53.572 C 22 None TE
1 1963-0728 FIJ 3714 15-0401-B123 n 3 51284 M NaN None 60570 2017-07-03 01:01:31.919 C 144 None TE
2 1963-0728 FIJ 3714 15-0401-B123 n 4 51285 M NaN None 60572 2017-07-03 01:16:49.033 C 901 None TE
3 1963-0728 FIJ 3714 15-0401-B123 n 5 51286 M NaN None 60574 2017-07-03 02:19:45.848 C 740 None TE
4 1963-0728 FIJ 3714 15-0401-B123 n 6 51287 M NaN None 60576 2017-07-03 02:35:33.669 C 875 None TE
df_V = ks.read_csv(data_location, sep='~'); df_V.shape
(382895, 18)
df_CV = ks.concat([df_C, df_V], axis=0); df_CV.shape
(560178, 18)
tmp = df_CV.sort_values(by=['m_descriptor', 't_lan','t_version','s_rsen','a_role','u_name','c_created_at'])
df_aggd_CV = df_CV.groupby(['m_descriptor', 't_lan','t_version','s_rsen','a_role','u_name']).agg({'c_eis':['sum','count'], 'e_content':'last'})
(382157, 3)
df_aggd_CV = df_aggd_CV.reset_index(); df_aggd_CV.shape
(382157, 9)
MultiIndex([('m_descriptor',      ''),
            (       't_lan',      ''),
            (   't_version',      ''),
            (      's_rsen',      ''),
            (      'a_role',      ''),
            (      'u_name',      ''),
            (       'c_eis',   'sum'),
            (       'c_eis', 'count'),
            (   'e_content',  'last')],
df_aggd_CV.columns = ['m_descriptor','t_lan','t_version','s_rsen','a_role','u_name','c_eis_sum','c_eis_count','e_content']
m_descriptor t_lan t_version s_rsen a_role c_eis_sum c_eis_count
0 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 7 TE 196 2
1 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 45 TE 66 3
2 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 200 TE 739 3
3 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 224 TE 909 2
4 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 255 TE 899 2
5 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401-B123 266 QE 11 2
# remove BER from t_version
#- df_aggd_CV['t_version'] = ['-'.join(e.split('-')[:2]) for e in df_aggd_CV['t_version']] #does not work in Koalas
df_aggd_CV['t_version'] = df_aggd_CV['t_version'].apply(lambda e: '-'.join(e.split('-')[:2]))
m_descriptor t_lan t_version s_rsen a_role c_eis_sum c_eis_count
0 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 7 TE 196 2
1 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 45 TE 66 3
2 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 200 TE 739 3
3 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 224 TE 909 2
4 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 255 TE 899 2
5 1963-0728 FIJ 15-0401 266 QE 11 2

6.3 Merge E and CV dataframes

# df_aggd_joind_E_CV = ks.merge(df_E, df_aggd_CV, how='inner', on=['m_descriptor', 't_version', 's_rsen'], suffixes=('_E', '_CV'), sort=True) #sort not proper here
df_aggd_joind_E_CV = ks.merge(df_E, df_aggd_CV, how='inner', on=['m_descriptor', 't_version', 's_rsen'], suffixes=('_E', '_CV'))
df_aggd_joind_E_CV.sort_values(by=['m_descriptor', 't_version', 's_rsen'])
m_descriptor t_lan_E t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen chars words t_lan_CV a_role c_eis_sum c_eis_count
20 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 n 1272 82 12 BEM CE 55 2
21 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 n 2160 64 14 BEM TE 184 2
22 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 n 2277 128 22 BEM TE 163 2
23 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 c 2322 76 17 BEM TE 82 2
24 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 n 2360 22 4 BEM CE 25 2
25 1963-0630z ENG 2683 15-0403 n 2402 43 9 BEM TE 66 2
26 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 775 7 2 AFR TE 7 2
27 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 1073 83 17 AFR TE 79 2
28 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 1465 69 13 AFR TE 45 2
29 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 1530 59 14 AFR TE 25 2
30 1963-0728 ENG 3706 15-0402 n 1711 127 23 AFR TE 70 2
(382157, 15)
# rename
df = df_aggd_joind_E_CV.copy()
# inspect range of ENG chars and words, and OTH c_eis_sum
#- display_all(ks.describe(include='all').T)
# conclusion: min and max are fine for both
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
t_senc 382157.0 1604.499140 601.625867 233.0 1215.0 1544.0 1803.0 3714.0
s_rsen 382157.0 796.977975 576.160495 1.0 344.0 710.0 1139.0 3714.0
chars 382157.0 59.645394 48.458367 0.0 26.0 46.0 80.0 621.0
words 382157.0 11.880999 9.370457 0.0 5.0 9.0 16.0 120.0
c_eis_sum 382157.0 57.017639 1684.807546 1.0 4.0 13.0 44.0 929396.0
c_eis_count 382157.0 1.465201 0.548948 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 8.0
Index(['m_descriptor', 't_lan_E', 't_senc', 't_version', 's_typ', 's_rsen',
       'e_content_E', 'chars', 'words', 't_lan_CV', 'a_role', 'u_name',
       'c_eis_sum', 'c_eis_count', 'e_content_CV'],

7. Inspect distribution of output data-points

colors = ['green']
plt.hist(df['c_eis_sum'], bins=200, density=False, histtype='bar', color=colors, label=colors)
plt.title('Distribution of c_eis (seconds)\n', fontweight ="bold")
plt.xlabel("effort (seconds)")
# remove outliers
df_deoutlrd = df[df['c_eis_sum']<180] #less than 3 minutes
# df_deoutlrd = df[df['c_eis_sum']<300] #less than 5 minutes
# df_deoutlrd = df[df['c_eis_sum']<600] #less than 10 minutes
# df_deoutlrd = df[df['c_eis_sum']<1200] #less than 20 minutes
colors = ['green']
plt.hist(df_deoutlrd['c_eis_sum'], bins=200, density=False, histtype='bar', color=colors, label=colors)
plt.title('Distribution of c_eis (seconds)\n', fontweight ="bold")
plt.xlabel("effort (seconds)")
Index(['m_descriptor', 't_lan_E', 't_senc', 't_version', 's_typ', 's_rsen',
       'e_content_E', 'chars', 'words', 't_lan_CV', 'a_role', 'u_name',
       'c_eis_sum', 'c_eis_count', 'e_content_CV'],
plt.title('c_eis_sum vs English chars', fontsize=30, color='black')
plt.xlabel('English chars', fontsize=20, color='black')
plt.ylabel('c_eis_sum', fontsize=20, rotation=90, color='black')
# plt.scatter(x='chars', y='c_eis_sum', data=df_deoutlrd);
# plt.scatter(x=df_deoutlrd['chars'], y=df_deoutlrd['c_eis_sum']);
plt.scatter(x='chars', y='c_eis_sum', data=df_deoutlrd.to_pandas());

8. Select ONLY TE contributions (first eyes)

df_deoutlrd_TEs = df_deoutlrd[df_deoutlrd['a_role']=='TE']; df_deoutlrd_TEs.shape
(222801, 15)
m_descriptor t_lan_E t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen chars words t_lan_CV a_role c_eis_sum c_eis_count
1 1963-0728 ENG 3714 15-0401 n 45 67 12 FIJ TE 66 3
6 1963-0728 ENG 3714 15-0401 n 322 99 21 FIJ TE 148 2
8 1963-0728 ENG 3714 15-0401 n 387 34 4 FIJ TE 32 2
9 1963-0728 ENG 3714 15-0401 n 1153 14 4 FIJ TE 66 2
10 1963-0728 ENG 3714 15-0401 n 1610 100 19 FIJ TE 133 2
m_descriptor t_lan_E t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen e_content_E chars words t_lan_CV a_role u_name c_eis_sum c_eis_count e_content_CV
1 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 87 [Blank.spot.on.tape — Ed.] feel the vibration,... 83 14 POR TE olisil 22 2 [Espaço em branco na fita - Ed.] sentir a vibr...
2 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 189 The thing that you're seeking after is already... 84 17 POR TE olisil 52 2 A coisa que procura já está no cofre do céu pa...
13 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 1098 But tonight he's not coming, trying; he's comi... 70 14 POR TE olisil 49 2 Mas esta noite ele não vira, a tentar; ele vem...
15 1949-0718 ENG 700 15-0901 n 13 O Father, I'm sure, with Divine faith, You wil... 70 13 GER TE lazbet 73 2 O Vater, ich bin mir sicher, mit göttlichem Gl...
18 1949-0718 ENG 700 15-0901 n 209 And while I was in prayer here at the altar, a... 137 29 GER TE lazbet 108 2 Und während ich hier am Altar im Gebet war, ei...
plt.title('c_eis_sum vs English chars (TEs)', fontsize=30, color='black')
plt.xlabel('English chars', fontsize=20, color='black')
plt.ylabel('c_eis_sum', fontsize=20, rotation=90, color='black')
plt.scatter(x='chars', y='c_eis_sum', data=df_deoutlrd_TEs.to_pandas());

9. Save prepared data to file

sdf = df_deoutlrd_TEs.to_spark()

csv_path = f"s3a://{bucket_str}/output/"
sdf.coalesce(1).orderBy(['m_descriptor','t_lan','t_version','s_rsen']).write.mode('overwrite').format( #1 is for a single file
# test
sdf = spark.read.csv(csv_path, sep='~', header=True, inferSchema=True, nanValue='null', nullValue='null')
# csv_df = spark.read.csv(csv_path, header=True, inferSchema = True)
kdf = sdf.to_koalas()
(222801, 15)
Index(['m_descriptor', 't_lan_E', 't_senc', 't_version', 's_typ', 's_rsen',
       'e_content_E', 'chars', 'words', 't_lan_CV', 'a_role', 'u_name',
       'c_eis_sum', 'c_eis_count', 'e_content_CV'],
m_descriptor t_lan_E t_senc t_version s_typ s_rsen chars words t_lan_CV a_role c_eis_sum c_eis_count
0 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 1 102 21 GER TE 107 2
1 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 1 102 21 POR TE 50 2
2 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 2 27 6 GER TE 12 1
3 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 2 27 6 POR TE 9 1
4 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 3 36 7 GER TE 9 1
5 1948-0304 ENG 1165 15-0902 n 3 36 7 POR TE 9 1